Sonoma Wealth Launches New Podcast

July 05, 2024

It's our great honor to introduce YET ANOTHER financial advisor podcast... It's All Money.


Yes, you've seen lots of advisors have podcasts.  So what's different about ours?


Your 401k, your kids or grandkids Paw Patrol toy collection, quantitative easing and the rising cost of your Disney+ subscription all seem like wildly different topics. And yet to the average American, they all end up hitting your checking account one way or another. It's All Money draws the throughline for investing, sales, taxes, business stories, economics and day-to-day spending. Not every listener will become a CFP®, but any listener can learn a few things to have financial confidence and take control of your financial life.


Daren "This Was My Crazy Idea" Blonski and our Marketing Director (and former radio personality) Dano Weir will host new episodes every 2 weeks, posted RIGHT HERE on our YouTube Channel. Audio podcast available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

We're off with a bang, the first two episodes are live now!



We are excited to have this show as a platform to discuss and humanize discussions about money. The show furthers our firm's commitment to educate and communicate financial knowledge to you, our clients. We would be honored if you reviewed the show yourself, and would love your honest feedback here by email.